Please visit the Website for this Program by Clicking HERE:

In accordance with our ever-enduring striving to promote strong communities around the world and to build a spirit of giving back we developed this program to contribute to both of the above core principles we endeavor to make a reality:

How It works:

In a given community youth, and others wishing to volunteer their time doing the menial and other types of chores for those in the community, signup and accept tasks.

Then they donate their wages (either paid by the individuals receiving the service – or via sponsorships) are donated back to a specific “cause” that the persons are passionate about.

One of the aspects of the Just Us Riders Endeavor route we envision some of the crew are engaged in this program to help keep them “spending money” while they commit to investing a year of their life in making a difference. 

This program also serves to develop one on one relationships between those providing the labor and those receiving it. These relationships help build strong communities and lifelong friendships.

Here are some of the ideas for “chores” that would fall under this program:

>Dog Walking

>Pet sitting

>Weed Pulling

>Lawn mowing

>Yard Clean up

>Laundry folding

>Dish Washing

>House Cleaning

>Window washing

>Dog waste cleanup

>Cleaning stalls (livestock)


>Elderly companionship

>Cooking and preparing meals

>and more…

The wages that are donated to the “cause” are negotiated between those providing and those receiving prior to the work being performed. If they don’t have a local cause readily available, they can contribute to any one of the many programs here at GTKYF Foundation Inc, Here.  The desire is that this becomes an ongoing routine effort of helping others and providing a platform for the parties involved to get to know each other while building a culture of giving and caring in our communities.

Sponsorships would come into play when the persons in need of help with their chores due to their current life situation cannot afford the monies to obtain the services done under the “Chores for a Cause” program. In that case, others in the community would help by sponsoring the chores getting done and making the payment for those services to the “cause” that the persons providing the services agreed to prior to the work starting. Thereby, helping those in the community and building the foundations of a strong community.

If you would like to get involved in this program in your community – please contact us here:

“Chores for a Cause” is a program GTKYF Foundation Inc. All rights reserved. The program cannot be used without the written agreement of GTKYF Foundation Inc. In an effort to maintain program continuity and integrity. There are currently NO FEES for use of the “Chores for a Cause” Program.